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Discounts & offers

Fairly calculated prices and insight into all discounts & offers can be found here. True to the motto: "Do good and talk about it!"

✔ Shopping cart discount scales 
✔ Complete shelves: ready + finished = low cost 
✔ Economy packages: products recommended by our sales department with price advantage 
✔ Discount & self-collection discount 

Deal of the Month

Every month, exclusively here on this website, you can expect sensational offers from our range that will make your discount-loving heart skip a beat! We announce our monthly deals each month on our home page. It's worth checking in regularly or subscribing to our newsletter!

Get the best bargains - visit our Sale Shop

Do you want even more bargains? Want to save more? Then come check out our Sale Shop! There, you will always find a diverse selection of products at prices that will protect your budget. Enjoy huge discounts on discontinued items, test assortments, or B-stock products.

“Simply the Best” – Easily Identify Favourites with the BESTSELLER Flag

In the store, some of our products have received a new label: BESTSELLER. But what exactly makes an item a bestseller, and what is behind it?

Our systems check daily using carefully devised criteria to identify which products have stood out positively in the last 30 days. The evaluation is carried out using automatically captured statistical figures (e.g., sales volume, reviews,...) and relates to the individual product and the product category. This award allows you to recognise the most popular products at a glance and make an informed purchasing decision.

Discover the BESTSELLER products now and experience for yourself why they are simply the best!

Happy with us? - Spread the word!

A recommendation is the best form of advertising. It's something we hear again and again, and is why review platforms have become so successful. When you hear from a friend or colleague that a product or service was excellent or even exceeded your expectations, you feel reassured that you have made the right choice the next time you make a purchase. This is why we want to reward our loyal customers with a 5% voucher for their next purchase


How does our "Customers refer customers" campaign work?

You recommend us and the new customer mentions your name and your company as the referrer. As soon as a purchase over £1,000 net value of goods has been made, we will send you a 5% online voucher code. This code can be used in the online store on your next purchase for all discountable items. Simply enter the code in the shopping cart and redeem it. Do you have any questions or need more information? Chat to us or give us a call, we'll be happy to help!

Complete racks are cheaper than individual parts

We offer a variety of pre-configured shelves, so-called complete offers, in our shop - including all small parts and accessories. Here we have calculated how much space is needed in the delivery truck and we know exactly how to load these shelves in the most space-saving way. The resulting cost savings are directly deducted for complete shelves, compared to individual single parts and accessories.

Savings packages

Sophisticated technology in the online shop meets expert knowledge in sales. The savings packages have been developed in cooperation with our product experts and the online team and are individually tied up. Depending on the item selected, suitable articles are suggested - at a reduced savings package price that is only valid during the current order process.

Discount deduction & self-collector discount

If you pick up your ordered goods yourself, you save another 5% on the net value of the goods. Here the journey to the customer is omitted and we are happy to pass the savings on to you! This saving is directly displayed and deducted in the online ordering process.

Online shopping baskets: big, bigger, cheapest!

Here too, our business model is simple and online: depending on the amount of the shopping basket, our shop is able to deduct an immediate discount on the net value of the goods. Directly, without waiting for an offer, you will receive a discount on your order in three scales from 3% up to 10%. You can see the discount directly in the online shopping cart, can print it out and use it as an offer for internal coordination. This saves you time and our work, which in turn benefits you in terms of price.

**Excluded from this promotion are all items excluded from further discounts. You can recognise these by the corresponding information text on their product page and in the shopping basket on the item concerned: „No further discount is provided for this item. This also applies to self-collection and promotions. The cart discount reduction is already included in the final price.“

And now: Have fun in our online shop!