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Prefab Office Configurator

In a few clicks to the individually planned prefab office or hall office. This online configurator is easy and intuitive to use and your new space concept for warehouse, factory or production halls is created before your eyes in a few seconds. With the practical parts function, your planning can be saved and sent as a link.

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Notes for your configured prefab office

The sketch shown here is a compilation of the hall office individual parts required for the configuration and not a construction plan.

You will receive assembly instructions for the correct assembly of individual panels upon delivery. IMPORTANT: Only a maximum of three window panels may be positioned next to each other, then a wall panel must be placed. Indicated dimensions are only approximate and may differ by a few centimeters. 

Internal partition wall panels must always be connected to an external wall. Windows and doors always require a wall panel on both sides for installation in the interior.

You decide on the desired door opening direction (shown in the configurator as ‘opening to the left and outwards’) when setting up the hall office (door panel rotated by 180° = door opening direction to the right and opening inwards). Each door panel comes with a power switch and a light switch.

All PREFAB panels have properties of fire class B1 according to DIN 4102-1.

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More space in the warehouse, factory or production hall

Do you need space for workstations near the warehouse or production? Then a hall office or master office is perfect for you! With just a few simple steps, you can put together your new office space with the hall office online configurator, order in the online store and can start with the uncomplicated construction just a few days later. You do not need long construction planning times or statics calculations. Simply put together your desired panels in just a few clicks.

In the current version of the hall office configurator you can plan a 4-sided hall office. Further variants, such as two- or three-sided hall offices are being planned. Also different depths. Until then we have a fixed depth of 3m.

Dust-free, noise-reduced and odor-reduced working at the new workplace

The individual panels are constructed in such a way that they close perfectly and almost nothing penetrates through them. The often high noise level in warehouses or production halls is perfectly isolated. Despite a perfect view of the processes in the hall, the double-glazed panels ensure that you can pursue your activities on the telephone or PC just as comfortably as in an office building. At the same time, the distances to the actual production or warehouse are extremely short.

Relocation or expansion is no problem with our flexible hall office solution

You know that you might change location or expand in the short or long term? Here, too, you make a safe choice with the PREFAB hall office system. A conversion, expansion or relocation is possible without any problems thanks to the flexible panel construction. The walls or the panels are inserted into each other by a tongue and groove principle and are also not firmly screwed to the floor. This gives you the flexibility for future changes and you can already look forward to your newly created workspace.

Each hall office is individual: doors, windows & partition walls can be freely planned.

With the online hall office configurator, each master office can be individually designed. Even though we offer prefabricated hall offices in our online store - from 6m² to 30m², each with a door and a matching number of window elements - you can use the easy-to-use configurator to plan as many doors, windows or even partition wall elements as you like into your perfect hall office. The same applies to the ceiling elements with integrated lighting; we recommend that you plan a ceiling panel with lighting for every second panel - of course, you can also equip every ceiling element with a light. Just as you wish and need. more